Setup Firebase Project

FireSaaS Setup Guide

This guide provides a step-by-step process for setting up your FireSaaS project. It includes configuring Firebase, deploying functions, setting up Stripe, and finalizing your project settings.

Table of Contents

Firebase Configuration

Create a New Firebase Project

Start by creating a new project in Firebase.

Once you have a new project open on Firebase it'll look something like this

Demo one

Copy Firebase Config Environment Variables

Click on the web button here

Demo Two

It will ask you to give your app a name, name it whatever you like


This project is setup to be hosted on Vercel, not Firebase hosting. Leave it unchecked for now unless you specifically want to host it on Firebase

Then you will get the Add Firebase SDK screen, it will show you your Firebase Config, these values need to be added to the .env

Demo Three

Copy paste each value that I've blacked out and move it into your match variable in the .env.

Enable Authentication and Firestore

Next you'll want to enable Auth and Firestore in Firebase. To do that just click on the Authentication option in the sidebar menu on the left.

Demo Four

And click the Get Started button on the page

Demo Five

We'll start by enabling Email / Password Auth and Google Auth because they are the easiest to implement.

Click Email/Password under the Sign-in method tab of the authentication page.

Now Click Save

You'll now see an Add new provider button, click it to enable Google Auth

Choose Google from the list of additional providers.

Click the enable toggle to enable.

Choose a public facing name for you project (Your users will see this, just name it your app's / company's name)

and configure a support email for the project (most likely just your email already connected to firebase.)

Auth is done, now go setup Firestore

Demo 6

Now click the Create Database button

Demo 7

Set the location to the most appropriate location for your users (or just leave it on the default)

Go ahead and start in test mode for now, this will leave your db open to reads and writes until a specific date. You can define more specific rules later.

Create Firebase Admin Service Account

The last step is setting up firebase admin by creating a service account and copy pasting the service account values into your .env

Click settings gear in project overview in the top left and click Project Settings

Demo 8

Click the Service Accounts tab

Demo 9

Click Generate new private key

Demo 10

This will download a JSON file containing your key information. The easiest way to use this private key in my opinion is to open it up in a text editor and copy paste the important values we need to setup Firebase Admin into your .env

Open the file and copy the entire private_key value and the client_email value into your .env

Adding Project ID

Finally we have to open the .firebaserc file inside the project.

Add your project id here, you should have your project id in your Environment Variables already so copy it from there.

// .firebaserc
  "projects": {
    "default": "<PROJECT-ID-HERE>"

That's all the Firebase Specific env vars.